Slank – Too Sweet To Forget
08/11/2009 15:25Slank – Too Sweet To Forget Liric
i took my guitar
and i begin to play
those old familiar songs
from our yesterdays
*courtesy of
but only half way through
the things i should have said
those old memories came
flown into my head
oh you’re so sweet
too sweet to forget
memories of being alone with you
it’s all in my dream
you’re just so sweet
too sweet to forget
you don’t love me the same
as i love you
it’s not to be i regret
hmmm days are passing by
the wind begins to blow
season’s changing and
the leaves begin to grow
but the words inside my head
would forever stay true
wherever i may go
whatever i may do
repeat reff
and inside cold dark lonely night
memories of the two of us
begin to take flight
you’re just so sweet
too sweet to forget
but you don’t love me like i love you
it’s not to be i regret
J-Rocks - Falling In Love (English Version)
07/11/2009 20:42Song Liric J-Rocks - Falling In Love (English Version)
I think I'm in love for the first time
And it's makin my heart confused
Tell me what exactly happened
How I wonder it will be
You touching my heart and my soul
While you hands in my hand indeed
Tell me what exactly happened
Make me feel I'm drowning to deep
Seems weird for me
I will never let this feeling go
If you are mine
Sharing all our up and down
I'm gonna be around and forever it would be
Coz I'm fallin' in love
I'm fallin' in love
Yes I'm fallin' in love
I'm fallin' in love
Yes I'm fallin' in love
I'm fallin' in love with you
You touching my heart and my soul
While you hands in my hand indeed
Tell me what exactly happened
Make me feel I'm drowning to deep
Seems weird for me
I will never let this feeling go
Back to *, Reff
Extrapolation proses with rekursi
06/11/2009 11:581. Design form and control program like this
2. double click on the rekursi Fibonasi botton and write listing procedure like below
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim jml As Integer
Dim a As Integer
jml = InputBox("Banyaknya data:")
Print "cetak " & jml & "Bilangan Fibonanci : ";
For a = 1 To jml
Print FIBO(a)
Next a
End Sub
3. make function with the name FIBO where inside its function wrote listing rekursi proses to counting fibonansi
Function FIBO(N As Integer) As Integer
If (N = 1) Or (N = 2) Then
FIBO = 1
FIBO = FIBO(N - 1) + FIBO(N - 2)
End If
End Function
4. double click on the Rekursi faktorial botton and make procedure listing like this below
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim x As Integer
x = InputBox("banyaknya data:")
Print "faktorial dari bilangan " & x & ":" & faktor(x)
End Sub
5. make fuction with the name faktor where has rekursi proses in it
Function faktor(p As Integer) As Integer
If (p = 0) Then
faktor = 1
faktor = p * faktor(p - 1)
End If
End Function
6. make procedure keluar with listing like below
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
7. Finally the result is
take and give a point with LET and GET property
05/11/2009 12:38design program in VB 6.0 to take and give a point with property LET and GET. the steps are
1. design from the form and the control program see pic below
2. make declaration variable and constanta on the general procedure, like below
Dim Currentcolor As String
Const black = &H80000012, red = &HFF&
Const green = &HFF00&, blue = &HF0000
3. give list of color in combobox
Private Sub Form_Load()
Combo1.AddItem "black"
Combo1.AddItem "red"
Combo1.AddItem "green"
Combo1.AddItem "blue"
End Sub
4. double click on the LET botton and type script like below
Private Sub Command1_Click()
pencolor = Combo1.text
Form3.BackColor = Currentcolor
End Sub
5. double clck on the GET botton and the fill with the script like below
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Form3.Caption = "backcolor is " & pencolor
End Sub
6. double click on the EXIT botton and write script like below
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
7. make property LET and GET and filled with listing like below
Property Let pencolor(colorname As String)
Select Case colorname
Case "red"
Currentcolor = red
Case "green"
Currentcolor = green
Case "blue"
curentcolor = blue
Case Else
Currentcolor = black
End Select
End Property
Property Get pencolor() As String
Select Case curentcolor
Case red
pencolor = "red"
Case green
pencolor = "green"
Case blue
pencolor = "blue"
Case Else
pencolor = "black"
End Select
End Property
8. and now RUN the program. take a look as we click LET botton you will see the color on the form. the color is appropriate with color we choose on the combo box.. and click GET botton to take color as showed on the caption form.
Showing image picture in different types
03/11/2009 16:04design program to showing image pictures in many type. steps must be doing are
1. design program like this picture below
2. makew procedure on the form activate and type program listing like below. this mean to make list on the combo box
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Combo1.Text = "*.*"
Combo1.AddItem "*.bmp"
Combo1.AddItem "*.jpg"
Combo1.AddItem "*.gif"
Combo1.AddItem "*.*"
Image1.Visible = False
End Sub
3. drive click on the drive1 and make procedure change this mean to choose working of drive
Private Sub Drive1_Change()
Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive
End Sub
3. do double click on the object dir1 and make procedure dir1 with funtion change. this mean to choose folder and file which is saved.
Private Sub Dir1_Change()
File1.FileName = Combo1.Text
File1.FileName = Dir1.Path
End Sub
4. make procedure file click this mean to choose image/picture will be showed
Private Sub File1_Click()
On Error GoTo salah
Image1.Visible = True
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Dir1.Path & "\" & File1.FileName)
Exit Sub
MsgBox "file yang dipilih bukan file gambar"
End Sub
5. make procedure in combo1 like listing below
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
File1.FileName = Combo1.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
File1.FileName = Combo1.Text
End If
End Sub
6. make procedure with command botton BERSIH, SEMBUNYI, TAMPIL DAN SELESAI. each command listing like below
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Image1.Picture = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Image1.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Image1.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
7. make procedure gambar-kosong to clean up picture or image.
Sub gambar_kosong()
If File1.ListCount = 0 Then
Image1.Picture = Nothing
End If
End Sub
8. and then finally the result of the program is like picture below
How Much control Program we use
03/11/2009 14:55lets try to make program which is consisting of severel control program in VB 6.0 like example i am using are label1,text1, list1, command1, check2, option1, combo1, data1, drive1 and dir1. form of the layout is like picture below
and then next step is make procedure on common botton with click twice on command1 adn type script like below
and now run the program so u can see on list box or list1 will appear how much control program we are using... just see picture below
using variable array on histogram
01/11/2009 17:09to make this program step2 must be doing are
1. make design like this
2. and then make list program like this below
3. RUn program and u will command to fill how much data u wish..
4. and then finally the result program we make is...
Make and Delete Object with Index
30/10/2009 21:48how to make and delete object with index here is steps must be do
1. design form like pic below
2. type code program like picture below
3 and now run the program and click on the botton " Buat objeck berindex" example like i do is 4 times. the result is .....
Make Project with index
30/10/2009 20:49every object on the toolbox can be to the form with 2 mode that are no index mode and with index mode. with using no index mode every object copied will be has different name object. but with index mode will be resulting object same with the original object. which is make diffrent is index number.
steps to make index object are
- click object in the form (ex=text1) and then COpy (ctrl + c)
- and then paste (ctrl V)
- after we done paste will be appear aggreement Box to make array control. and then choose Yes
example program
making 4 index object commond botton with caption " ENTRY", "UPDATE", "VIEW", "DELETE" AND " EXIT" . give event Click to its object and if the booton clicked the others botton will be not active except the botton get click.
1. desain form dan objeck commond botton like this
2. doble click on the one of the common botton and then type code program like pic below
3. and now running the pogram and click one of the botton . the form of the program showing like pic below
Write code program VB 6.0
30/10/2009 19:47this simple program i try to write just try to want share little my knowlegde about VB 6,0 program here just follow us
design program is like this
the result after get run
for the code is like pic below
control program for program the above like show on the table below
Form Control | Properties | Setting |
Command1 |
Caption Start up Position |
Cmd_ucapan UCAPAN
Command2 |
Caption Start up Position |
Cmd_selesai SELESAI |
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