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Project e-ID card wasting 60 Trillion Rupiah

29/12/2009 22:22

Jakarta. New System residence will be announce by goverment shortly. E-ID card is not small program because for make it goverment will spent money at least Rp. 60 trillion.

The process of making e-ID card not all using  trehnology from abroud. only a fingerprint recognition system that we have imported, the rest are Indonesian native technologies," said Marzan A. Iskandar, head of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT).

Steps taken by the BBPT is also one form of promotion of domestic technology has been dominated by the application developers from abroad.

Although more use of technology that made Youth of the nation, but the project of e-ID cards has also cost tens of trillions of rupiah.

"Project e-ID card production has eaten about 60 Trillion fund more, all headed by the Ministry of the Interior," said Marzan at a news conference at BPPT Jakarta, Tuesday (29/12/2009).

e-ID card plan the government would begin to be realized beginning in 2010. Before the launch, the project had been passed many trial conducted in 4 major cities in Indonesia such as, Padang, Makassar, Denpasar and Yogyakarta.




Topic: Project e-ID card wasting 60 Trillion Rupiah

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