IMPORTANT to note when using the wireless network, that network without wires and can be accessed by any PC / laptop that has a wireless card that is still within reach of the applicable Access Point (1-400 meter / depending on specification). Therefore must be careful in doing the ACCESS POINT SETTINGS, PASSWORD in order to give users / PCs outside the network can not be entered in the Wireless network is installed.
Conversely, if the protection on Access Point settings are not good, then the wireless network will be accessible by the PC from the outside. Because every time the PC / laptop can enter the Access Point, it will be able to enter the network and can connect with other computers connected to the same Access Point. The average current Access Point can reach up to a radius of 400 Meters in the room open, or less if it get a barrier, either a wall or other building. (different from the hub that can only up to a distance of 100 m)
- The first time you have to install the Wireless card in your PC and install the driver.
- Ignore if the cards are placed immediately asked the driver when windows is enabled, wait until the drivers are installed the new card on the restart Windows then re-installed the drivers with the card itself
Card Wireless driver is not installed
- After the cards are installed and drivers are installed, then please restart Windows.
D_Link Wireless Card already installed.
- The next step is to set IP Address, like if we use an Ethernet card. IP settings for the first time should follow the default IP settings of the ACCESS POINT. In the AP Dlink brand they use the default IP address Therefore IP settings on the PC should follow these settings (eg and so on).
- When setting IP Address on a PC is different from that of the AP, the network can not connect to the AP. After a PC has its IP, set IP in accordance with AP, then the PC can perform Access Point settings, including changing the IP address on the AP, Password, Name AP, etc..
- Each AP is connected to must be given different IP and NAME , like providing IP and naming the computer.
- Click properties on the Network Places icon. If there ETHERNET & WIRELESS network will appear under the icon like picture below. If you want just the wireless used, it easy you can disable the ethernet. So he lived alone WIRELESS CARD that you are taking.
- Double Click on the Wireless Connection icon, the dialog will appear as below. For IP settings, please click the Properties button.
- on the red circel is max speed using the wireless (54 Mbps), different with using wire it can be up to 100Mbps. the signal strength will be reduce if betwen pc and AP get obstacles those are like wall, building etc.
- after click botton properties will be appear pic like below
- set Ip address just like ip address on default AP. with choosing internet protocol (TCP/IP) and the click properties botton.
- after IP address already setted and then going to tab menu wireless network.
- actually sign "Default" on the blue circle doesn't exist. please click botton refresh in order to searching AP. on the sign "default" stting using genuine setting. on the other explanation will explain how to change the AP name, especially if the network is built using more than one AP, each AP must be given different names. When finished click OK.
- so Ip address on the wireless car already set as IP on the AP that is 192.168.0.?.
- to see available AP on the network with click view menu available wireless Network.
- seen pic below there is AP with the name "default" to connect with its AP you can select "Allow me to ...." and then click botton Connect.
if we have connected to AP small ison wireless will be lit with the green color.
Dlink AP using default ip address so to login and setting its AP we can use browser just lik IE wih typing and then click enter. fill username with admin and password leave with thank blank.
- the main screen AP
- make sure that driver for network card and AP already installed.
- as we have login to AP menu we can set ip Address on AP like we want. ex we change th IP weth 192.168/1/1 etc.. if we change the IP AP automatically we have to change the IP network card on the clients.
seen like on the pic after we have setted the AP like we want ang then click apply bottons
- Each AP is setting, the indicator light will be glow. And it took a while until the new settings can be used.
- Number of IP has been used for the Access Point should not be used for the IP Address on a PC or other Accesss Point.
- If the settings Access Point IP address changed, so every time you log into the admin menu should also use the new IP address is. In the default use if the IP changed to then to enter the admin settings to use
- AP with D-Link brand is using name "default" we have not set at all. This default name should be changed so that can be easily recognized, especially if in the same network there are more than sati AP installed. Suppose we call it with: AP_SAP01, AP_SAP02, AP_SAP03, and so on.
- Why Access Point needs to be given a name? Because the AP in a network status almost are like PCs in the network. Each AP has an IP address & naming each of which may not be equal to one another.
- Login through Internet Explorer, by typing and hit enter. In the AP Dlink brand to enter the first time using admin user without a password.
Picture Password display on AP-Dlink
- Clin on the menu wireless and then change the name of AP and SSID. SSID stand for the name of AP whisch is ditected by computer client.i
Default setting on the screen on the top changed with the name like showing pic below.
- the name Ap already changed and click botton apply
- after we setted AP the indicator lamp will be on and need a few second for the new setting can be used.
- please try to searching again untill AP ditected and click botton connect.
- using password on AP is really important. if AP already setted up its password so the computers outside which are don' have authority can't access AP.
- steps must be doing to get its password is using browser IE with type and then press enter. from the first time Dlink using user name = admin and password leave it blank.
WEP = Enable, if we want set the password
WEP Ecryption it can be use 64 Bit
WEP Mode there are two choice, the first HEX (Hexadesimal) with the limit password 10 numbers and the second is ASCII (tex) with 5 numbers.
- the best protection is using WPA_PSK. see manual book of AP for detail information.
picture display wireless connection to AP if AP using password fill it with the password suitable with the password AP made.
if the password is correct you can try to scan with angry IP scanner software like picture below.
like picture above tell us
IP : is IP for Access Point
IP : is Ronggolawe's PC
if the password wrong that mean IP for AP will not appear on software Angry IP scanner
- for the first time AP is using password "admin" and password "blank"
- that password can be changed
- from the first screen, take menu tool then change the password like we want.
- IF hub we know it using port. so AP we can set for how much PC will allowed to access.
- on AP DLINK there are choices 1 up 13 channel. default this AP is 6 channel that mean only 6 recommended to access. more than 6 pc will decreased speed of access.P
- picture below showing if we use windows interface.
- if it dont use interface window to setting wireless need use aplication software card wireless. double click icon on the right below taskbar.
- it recommended to computers using internet access. click botton properties wireless and take Advanced tab menu.
- click " protect my computer ....." and the press OK
- AP can be placed anywhere but it recommended setup AP on the rite place whis is can be accessed PC with strength signal.
- place AP on the wall of wall it mean AP easily can be accessed.
this picture giving example for us setup AP on the rite place.
Description Picture:
- HUB still used on the server, so the PC server directly connected to the network via UTP cable directly to the HUB. No need to use the wireless card.
- Hub which is in the server pulled to the points location of Access Point.
- If no hub installed, then the Access Point must be set as BRIDGE AP, this field depends on the situation where the network is connected. If a strong signal between the AP, the better without using the hub.
- Of all the existing building, drawn 1 cable from the server to each building. The cable is drawn and connected to the Access Point whic are installed in each building. Then each of every computer in the building can access the network through the AP.
- Network Cable LAN can be combined with Wireless networks, by plugging UTP cable to the UTP port is available at each Access Point, on the condition that the IP address of the network via wired and Wireless has the same IP range.
- Wear protective cable (cable deck) for the neat install, especially the cables down to the room
- If there are cables that cross the inter-building. try using a cable wire for the reinforcement of crossing cable, Or better yet if using paralon as the cover cable.
- If wireless doesnt ditect, please check the hardware properties. Perhaps on the disable status. Perform re-enable the wireless network.