Setting up JAHT Wp-4001BR Acces point
25/01/2010 21:14My office has two connection of internet those are Speedy from telkom and the other is 3Gnet. actually the main internet we are using is Telkom speedy because the connection laterly with speedy rather slow of download in this case we are hate why speedy like this. and then we decided to switch over 3Gnet to be main connection..
Rather funny really what i do in my office hehhehe like this..
1. For Speedy connection using JAHT WP-4001BR AP here as i see Jaht has function just for Access point it doest have router inside so for this device working it must be placed behind router because modem from speedy already has router inside i decided to placed behind its speedy router..
Internet speedy-----> modem------> Jaht WP-4001BR------> client
and then how to setting up its Jaht
The default setting WP-4001BR JAHT the manufacturer are as follows:
1. The default username and password is username: admin with password: 1234
2. The default IP is with netmask
As usual, we need to enter IP assistance in setting up a PC to be JAHT, via a wired LAN.
Wireless Configuration JAHT
we must change the Wireless ESSID Configurationnya to change, so the client can know the existence of this AP. Use the ESSID name as you wish. Use the class B band just to get further coverage compared to using a mix band (combination B + G) or if only the band G only.
To change your password and IP, we enter into the System Utiliy, because they have to fit with the IP network where the AP is going to work.
System Utility JAHT
After changing the IP and password, then make sure we change the IP support in a PC / Laptop you, then call JAHT via a browser using the IP and the new password. For IP in the client, certainly not from the same IP with the IP JAHT, except only for remote JAHT. JAHT will automatically connect the client with an existing wireless system on the client, the security or not. But for the activities of data / Internet, the IP is given to the client is the IP of the router into JAHT radio (wireless bridge).
Setting IP:
Fill on the network connection as the Ip given by Internet provider: ex:
Ip: 192.168.1.x
Done already setting JAHT WP-4001BR as Access Point. JAHT ready to be raised to the tower and ready to serve requests from clients. For coverage of course all depends on their respective environments and topologies where the AP was established. Also of course use an external antenna such as antenna 15db omni directional hyperlinks, or 2.4 grid of 15 db will be different terntunya range compared coveragenya JAHT innate antenna.
2. For 3Gnet Connection
To setting up on this connection i am using router AP Dlink Dir615 its easy really on the internet setting just fill the ip address and dns from ISP 3gnet given and then for menu router just give the default ip that is Ip. and SM: so for client that mean gate way must be
for security AP password you can choose what u like to use ( pre share key, TKIP, WEP, etc)
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