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Setting up router on connection fastnet

05/10/2009 16:45

Provider Fastnet appeared surprised the world with the internetting in Jakarta. they are offer with Cut-price 100 thousand for speeds up to 384 kbps its enough to make the major providers such as Speedy panic. Although eventually upgrade the speed of Speedy up to 1 Mbps, but only a small part yg customers feel it. I included yg disadvantaged.
back to the main issue. current FASTNET serves only home-based customers. they prohibit the use of share for more than 1 computer. we must respect that decision. the problem is how about the user to make her laptop can maximize its WiFi working with its fastnet. Our customers often ask can they use the wireless router to surf without the cable mess? the answer is CAN. routing theoretically possible for all types of Internet connection.
we assume Fastnet working on a laptop via your cable modem from UTP cable connected to the laptop. You can use the CD wizard to enable the router for the router. but sometimes there are obstacles in using the wizard, we can use the manual as follows:

  • first step in doing is to record an ethernet Mac address your laptop. on the menu for the button START RUN, type CMD and  command prompt window will appears. type ipconfig / all. Usually there are two mac address. wrote one mac wireless adapter. the other one mac ethernet adapter local area connection, we note this reply. physical address 00: xx: xx: xx: xx: xx
  • The second step, remove the cable FASTNET, pairs UTP cable for connecting to the router. find out the IP of our router. how can you look at wireless security tutorial.
    entered into the router settings using IE or firefox browser. all routers can be used for Fastnet. but this time  I use the view demo of linksys wireless router. another router for the display differences. but the same logic.
    eg content user & password (read tutorial wireless security).
    let the basic settings on settingnya. on the sub menu select mac address clone. mac address clone here has function to copy your laptop mac address so fastnet identify laptop mac address whisch is has been moved to router.
  • see picture below

  • enter the Mac address your laptop to clone WAN MAC ADDRESS then save and apply settings
    close the browser. restart your computer. usually the router will work out well.
    now you can use your WiFi cleanly through your wireless router.

Topic: Setting up router on connection fastnet

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