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06/10/2009 20:10

Although we have already in Linux platform, you may still need a Windows application for typing, gaming, or other reasons. Linux and Windows are different, but Wine can put them together!

The purpose of the above is not meant to create an operating system 'hodgepodge' of Windows and Linux, but simply an application program that makes Windows feel as if running on Windows systems, although running on a Linux system. This program is called the emulator and emulator we meant is Wine.

Wine is typically used by users of Windows while in using Linux os because they are unfamiliar with native applications Linux. With Wine, Windows applications can be executed directly without the need to move to the Windows operating system.
May be the question: "Does Windows and Linux is an operating system that is technically different? Can Wine emulate Windows applications that can run in linux like its original condition? ". The answer is no. In general, there are things that can be emulated by Wine, some are not. A Windows program that all functions run perfectly on Windows may not function properly when diemulasi Wine. Even some Windows programs that refuse to work at all when emulated by Wine. All these risks must be aware of before running your Windows applications with Wine.

You may also be asked: "What difference does it make Windows applications run by VMWare (or similar programs like Qemu) with applications that run Wine?". The answer can you see in the following explanation.

  • Wine does not require as much memory VMWare. Thus, the available memory (free memory) is greater than when using VMWare. These benefits will be felt if you plan to run more than one Windows application in Wine.
  • Collaboration antaraplikasi Windows and Linux programs natively (eg when running copy and paste functions) becomes easier because the two programs are treated the same under Linux.
  • Wine does not simulate the entire PC system as well as VMWare so that execution of the program in the Wine became faster.

How to get wine

type the following command below after u on the root

sudo apt-get install wine

source www.chip.co.id


Topic: WINE

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